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Gaming And Growing Cyberattacks And Who's Behind The High-Profile Attacks

Published: June 06, 2022 on our newsletter Security Fraud News & Alerts Newsletter.

Just recently, a cyberattack targeting the gaming industry took place…again. This time, the video gaming company Ubisoft found themselves in the cross hairs shortly after another gaming company, NVIDIA, announced their data systems were breached. Both companies are part of the curious rise in cyberattacks against the gaming industry, and those who make the software behind it. Both attacks are part of an ongoing threat aimed at gaming software providers.

Ubisoft confirmed their “cyber security incident” took place, saying a full investigation into the breach is ongoing. In a brief statement posted on their website, the company claims the incident “…caused temporary disruption to some of our games, systems, and services… at this time there is no evidence any player personal information was accessed or exposed as a by-product of this incident.” Ubisoft also included a precautionary step requiring a company-wide password change. Let’s hope their users know to do the same and change their own account passwords.

The hacking group targeting Ubisoft also takes responsibility for the NVIDIA breach. The relatively new but already feared ransomware data-extortion group, LAPSUS$, takes claim for both Ubisoft and NVIDIA. LAPSUS$ also adds Samsung, Vodafone, and Mercado Libre to their victim list.

Strong Passwords: Key for Account Safety

There’s a reason Ubisoft required an immediate and company-wide password change. It’s another acknowledgement to the critical importance of strong passwords for protection against hacking. Below are tips for creating solid password protection.

Change your password immediately should you learn your account was involved in a data breach.

Don’t recycle passwords. It’s a serious security risk because if one password is breached, other accounts using the same password are much more vulnerable to compromise, too.

Choose long and unique passwords. The longer and more random a password is, the harder it is to crack. Ideally, use 16 characters that are a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols.

Don’t use any personal information, like a birthdate, phone number, or address that a hacker or someone you know can easily find on public data bases and social media.

Use 2FA for extra identity protection. 2FA (two-factor-authentication) provides an additional layer of user identity, helping prevent account access by others. 2FA can be a random code sent to another device or use fingerprint or facial recognition for user authentication.

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